Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tackle It Tuesday

Today I have decided to participate in a Tackle it Tuesday.  I definitely have a lot of projects that need tackled around my house.  At the risk of being totally mortified, I am going to show you some before and after photos today of at least one project that I am going to be tackling.  The project that I am going to share with you today is really embarrassing for me.  Please do not judge me and think that I am a bad mother because of this but this is how my little boy's room has looked for about the past 2 weeks (blush):

This whole mess started when I decided to go through all his clothing and get it organized.  His summer stuff needs packed up to give to someone else and all his larger clothing needs organized according to size.  I started working on this project and got to the point where everything was neatly stacked in piles according to size and season.  Then I got distracted and a number of things ended up coming up, eventually the clothing all got knocked over and mixed back together.  Then my son decided to come and "help" me get everything re-organized by pulling all his books off of his bookshelf.  Two times I have started working on this and then something came up and it became a big mess again before I ended up making any progress on it.  Then I decided that there was no use in trying to tackle it until I had a couple of hours to devote to it.  So here I am today, my dad is coming over to get my son for several hours, and this is at the top of my agenda.  I'll post the after pictures in a couple hours when I (hopefully) finish everything.   I am also doing a couple other projects that I might show before and after pictures later if I get them done.
UPDATE:  after 2 hours and this much clothes, trash, toys, and books to give/throw away here are my results:

Ah, I already feel so much more peaceful and relaxed.  Even though I was just organizing, cleaning, picking up, and putting stuff away for 2 hours straight, I feel so much more energized!  I know that the closet still is not that lovely to look at, but at least everything is finally put away were it belongs.  I could not find any empty plastic storage bins, so I ended up stashing the bigger sized clothing in plastic comforter bags.  Now, on to the next task...


  1. You can do it Anna!! Actually this room reminds me of mine and hubbys bedroom a week ago.. it was kind of the catch-all room b/c normally when guests come over, we dont invite them in there so we throw things in there to eventually be put away.. I accidently had nothing planned last Saturday and my sister came over to hang out.. She informed me that we were fall cleaning my bedroom and rearranging it.. a few embarrassing hours later I couldnt believe it! for the first time in the 3 years we've lived in our house, I've finally liked our set up in our bedroom and its so inviting now! Its soo easy to push stuff off cuz there's never time, but man, what a difference it makes in your life when things are in order!!.. now, if I can only have my sister over and invite her into our basement... haha

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Heather! Heidi- Anytime you feel up to a challenge, just come on over! My mother in law told me about how when she was younger, she and several other moms would all get together and rotate helping each other get some of their big cleaning projects done. I think that sounds like a fun way to accomplish some projects. If anyone else ever wants to do this, let me know!

  3. Pick me! Pick me! I love your moms idea! It's sooo much more fun to help someone else with their projects than doing it by yourself.. plus the bonding with other ladies and good ole fun.. ;) and Im sure Heidi would love to join in on that.. we've often talked about doing something like then, but then laughed about what they might find when cleaning our places! lol

  4. omygosh i would so be into this! i dont mind some days doing some organization and cleaning by myself but seriously it gets so overwhelming most of the time doing it all yourself!!! I would be TOTALLY DOWN with rotating help at each others houses! Its definitely a fun time with close girlfriends...or at least ones you KNOW wont judge u! ;) Hey we ALL have those rooms!!! Let me know if you want to get something set up!!! Even if we just do 1 room at a time...a thorough cleaning...that would be great!!!
